Thursday, March 25, 2010

Disaster and Political Parties

If disaster strikes, and happened to be election campaign or political party, they will compete to attract the time. Looking for sympathy to get a sympathizer to the public later choose the political party concerned. And lately, too many natural disasters in this country. Floods, earthquakes and landslides. Floods in Jakarta and bandung, and recent small earthquakes strike Padang, jogja and eastern Indonesia.
So why such a moment of political parties gone? Only a few who are competing to give assistance. Yes that's the reality of what happened. Perhaps political parties need to implement some basic knowledge of marketing. Once again the marketing, not sales. If during this assistance is given as before the election, then it is only just touching the sales aspect. Whereas the marketing aspect of his life was not instant process. There is a process that must be built, and could not immediately be instantaneous. So should frequently provide assistance in times of disaster. Not only just before the election. Guaranteed to give better effect, despite the assistance provided was not always great. Simple but routine.